Connecting with those we cherish
Christmas 2020 will be a welcome distraction for many following a year that will be remembered as one of the most unusual and challenging of recent history.
The Covid-19 virus has forced countless changes to the way people think, believe and behave, which in turn has shifted how we communicate, and prescribed a realignment of our priorities to place more emphasis on connecting with those we cherish.
Reviewing the multitude of ads vying for attention this time of year, we note the common theme emerging is not humour, nor trappings of Christmas past, but rather the true meaning of family or other special relationships with people that give our lives meaning beyond the tinsel and mince tarts. Ads that standout are those with a strong emotive connection to make Christmas more genuine by making something, doing something or expressing love for someone we treasure.
Animation continues to be favoured by some that seek to raise production standards without the costs associated with using actors, costumes and location shoots.
We trust this compilation serves as a pleasant distraction to your challenges of the day, and sets the scene for a Christmas to connect with those you cherish, whether in person of by zoom. From the team at NRG, we wish you all a heartfelt Christmas and a safe, healthy 2021.